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24 October 2019Nos partenaires
Nous travaillons avec les meilleurs fournisseurs d’indices afin de garantir qualité, transparence et sécurité à nos clients investisseurs.

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Nom | Catégorie | Ticker | Pays | Prix | Intraday | Perf. YTD : | 1 an | 3 ans | 5 ans | Depuis lancement |
iEdge Transatlantic Leaders 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR | Dividendes | LEAD10DG | Transatlantique | 891.58 | 0.22% | 1.03% | 35.28% | 80.04% | 276.74% | 13.16% |
iEdge SCOR SE Decrement 1,8 EUR GTR Se® | Dividendes | IDSCR2 | France | 25.04 | -1.34% | 11.74% | -11.68% | -9.97% | 7.80% | -0.02% |
iEdge BNP Paribas SA Decrement 4.60 EUR GTR Series 3 Index® | Dividendes | IDBNP3 | France | 74.81 | 0.83% | 32.49% | 25.91% | 43.75% | 136.49% | 2.39% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic Biodiversity Impact Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | BIOTRDN | Transatlantique | 2,049.12 | -0.33% | 3.07% | 5.75% | 19.21% | 85.01% | 6.16% |
NXS Vérité 100 Europe S2 | NXSRVCA2 | Europe | 1,053.20 | -0.57% | 6.42% | 3.28% | 2.26% | |||
NXS Vérité 100 Europe Index | NXSRVE40 | Europe | 1,125.18 | -0.57% | 6.53% | 6.37% | 4.84% | |||
Protected: NXS IR Month End Impact x4.8 Index | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHIM48 | Monde | 3,488.33 | 1.33% | 0.65% | 6.92% | 122.86% | 5.09% | |
Protected: NXS IR Month End Impact Index | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHIMEI | Monde | |||||||
NXS Climate Optimum Prospective VT EURUSD Hedged Index | ISR / Climat | NXSCOPVU | Europe | 300.68 | -0.22% | 8.22% | 8.40% | 9.44% | ||
NXS Ultimate Diversified Fund Index | Thématique | NXSRUDF | Monde | 126.58 | -0.06% | -2.19% | -1.66% | -13.57% | -8.54% | -5.50% |
SLM IF – #Advanced Materials Deep Path Index | NXSRAMAT Index | Europe | 63.19 | -0.79% | -7.48% | -16.16% | -22.53% | -10.40% | ||
NXS Protected Optimum World ESG EUR Index | ISR / Climat | NXSHPRWG | Monde | 3,537.93 | -0.19% | 3.69% | 7.43% | 2.78% | 3.50% | |
NXS Optimum World ESG EUR | ISR / Climat | NXSHOPWG | Monde | 5,305.39 | -0.19% | 3.81% | 8.98% | 12.60% | 60.80% | 4.19% |
NXS Climate Objective Europe index | ISR / Climat | NXSCOE | Europe | |||||||
NXS Protected Optimum World Beta Market Neutral USD Index | NXSHPWLS | Monde | -0.07% | 4.10% | 4.24% | 5.69% | 2.96% | |||
NXS Protected Optimum World EUR Index | Smart Beta | NXSHPRW | Monde | 4,438.89 | -0.07% | 4.25% | 9.40% | 16.46% | 36.39% | 4.59% |
NXS Optimum World EUR Index | Smart Beta | NXSHOPWE | Monde | -0.07% | 4.38% | 11.35% | 23.35% | 65.87% | 5.37% | |
AtonRâ Innovation Technologies Index – USD | AMI | NXSRATRA | Monde | 192.81 | -0.65% | -6.74% | 12.77% | -5.28% | 44.59% | 7.04% |
Indice NXS Smart Allocation Global Funds | Thématique | NXSRSAGF | Monde | 0.17% | -1.12% | -1.56% | -9.45% | -4.47% | 3.04% | |
Indice NXS Water and Global Environment – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Thématique | NXSHWATE | Monde | -0.67% | -8.43% | 8.98% | 20.38% | 4.54% | ||
Indice NXS US Equity Futures | NXSRUSEE | Amérique | 1,960.14 | 0.10% | -4.54% | 3.17% | 14.92% | 127.97% | 5.27% | |
Indice NXS Short Vol US | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHSVUS | Amérique | 0.24% | -0.77% | -6.33% | -0.11% | 2.42% | ||
Indice NXS Protected Optimum World USD | Smart Beta | NXSHPRWU | Monde | -0.08% | 4.88% | 11.80% | 25.95% | 51.39% | 7.33% | |
Indice NXS Protected Optimum World EUR Hedged | Smart Beta | NXSHPRWE | Monde | 0.17% | -0.86% | 7.74% | 17.63% | 6.11% | ||
Indice NXS Optimum World USD | Smart Beta | NXSHOPWU | Monde | 7,084.95 | -0.29% | 4.69% | 13.29% | 32.10% | 82.74% | 8.07% |
Indice NXS Global Core Infrastructure | Thématique | NXSHINFR | Europe | 1.25% | 0.68% | 19.82% | 57.65% | 6.31% | ||
Indice NXS Global Core Infrastructure USD | Thématique | NXSHINFU | Amérique | 0.58% | -4.75% | 24.41% | 30.87% | 5.10% | ||
Indice NXS Long Value Europe Equity Excess Return | Risk Premia | NXSHVALE | Europe | -0.43% | 12.11% | -20.20% | -11.00% | 5.43% | ||
NXS Risk Parity Fund Allocator Index | Thématique | NXSRPFA | Monde | 0.22% | -0.07% | 1.12% | 2.84% | 8.06% | 3.07% | |
NXS Momentum Cross-Asset JPY Index | Smart Beta | NXSHMOXJ | Monde | 1,122.03 | -0.09% | 1.53% | 1.37% | 0.19% | 25.06% | 4.48% |
Indice NXS Protected Optimum World – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHPRWO | Monde | -0.61% | 6.34% | 12.08% | 22.96% | 5.43% | ||
Indice NXS Low Volatility Target Beta Overlay Protected – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Smart Beta | NXSHTBOP | Europe | 0.61% | 0.34% | 9.34% | 46.68% | 17.38% | ||
Indice NXS Long Value U.S. Equity – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSRVALU | Amérique | 737.52 | 1.44% | -7.37% | 30.38% | 20.64% | 9.92% | |
Indice NXS Long Value Europe Equity | Risk Premia | NXSRVALE | Europe | 935.14 | -0.13% | 53.09% | 10.76% | 49.59% | 9.35% | |
Indice NXS Ultimate Fund Allocator | Thématique | NXSRUFA | Monde | 0.03% | 1.91% | 1.46% | -2.93% | 4.51% | 4.25% | |
Indice NXS TARS Excess Return | Thématique | NXSRTARS | Monde | 1,331.22 | -0.06% | -9.77% | -0.71% | -3.52% | 2.14% | |
Indice NXS Small Cap U.S. Equity – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSRSMCU | Amérique | 750.33 | 1.20% | 2.43% | 34.23% | 34.02% | 10.29% | |
Indice NXS Small Cap Europe Equity | Risk Premia | NXSRSMCE | Europe | 1,386.17 | 0.30% | 57.14% | 22.93% | 45.83% | 7.05% | |
Indice NXS Selection Alternative Fund | Alternatif | NXSRSAF | Monde | 0.11% | 12.79% | -3.57% | -4.28% | 1.86% | ||
Indice NXS Momentum U.S. Equity – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSRMOMU | Amérique | 890.65 | 0.76% | -1.22% | 37.58% | 64.58% | 7.08% | |
Indice NXS Momentum Europe Equity | Risk Premia | NXSRMOME | Europe | 1,706.67 | 0.20% | 35.18% | 27.03% | 67.85% | 9.02% | |
Indice NXS Momentum Fund Stars ER | Thématique | NXSRMFS | Monde | 259,694.00 | -0.21% | -0.15% | -2.98% | -7.03% | -4.98% | 2.71% |
Indice NXS Low Volatility U.S. Equity – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSRLOVU | Amérique | 999.37 | 0.28% | 16.58% | 44.82% | 85.55% | 9.06% | |
Indice NXS Low Volatility Europe Equity | Risk Premia | NXSRLOVE | Europe | 1,156.91 | 0.21% | 19.79% | 18.87% | 39.52% | 8.33% | |
Indice NXS High Dividend U.S. Equity – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSRHIDU | Amérique | 850.76 | 0.91% | 8.44% | 49.09% | 61.13% | 10.13% | |
Indice NXS High Dividend Europe Equity | Risk Premia | NXSRHIDE | Europe | 994.01 | 0.15% | 33.65% | 4.21% | 31.83% | 6.41% | |
Indice NXS Global Dividend Futures Access ER JPY | Dividendes | NXSRFUDJ | Monde | 0.31% | -23.56% | -23.56% | -21.56% | 0.20% | ||
Indice NXS Elite Funds Selection ER – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Thématique | NXSREFS | Monde | 0.02% | -1.51% | 1.14% | 0.22% | 3.68% | ||
Indice NXS Dynamic Multi Factor U.S. Equity – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSRDMFU | Amérique | 816.19 | -0.42% | 6.61% | 31.56% | 31.18% | 9.48% | |
Indice NXS Dynamic Multi Factor Europe Equity – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSRDMFE | Europe | 1,006.90 | 0.03% | 23.79% | -2.11% | 25.52% | 8.51% | |
Indice Natixis Best Fund Selection ER | Thématique | NXSRBFS | Monde | 1,577.09 | 0.03% | 1.58% | 0.45% | -4.18% | 1.48% | 3.40% |
Indice Excellence Pacifique – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHXLP1 | Pacifique (hors Japon) | 953.40 | 0.00% | 0.00% | -1.96% | -4.30% | -0.51% | |
Indice NXS Europe Short Volatility | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHSVEU | Europe | 0.05% | -15.61% | -17.76% | -12.17% | 4.08% | ||
Indice NXS Smart Option Overlay U.S | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHSOOU | Amérique | 877.41 | -0.68% | -26.19% | -37.33% | -47.28% | -3.85% | |
Indice NXS Smart Option Overlay Europe | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHSOOE | Europe | 1,022.53 | 1.71% | -18.53% | -26.64% | -32.24% | -2.14% | |
Indice NXS Small Cap Europe Equity Excess Return | Risk Premia | NXSHSMCE | Europe | -0.07% | 14.43% | -5.97% | -7.65% | 4.94% | ||
Indice NXS Smart Call Overwriting US – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHSCOU | Amérique | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | |
Indice NXS Smart Call Overwriting Europe – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHSCOE | Europe | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | |
Indice NXS Risk Premia Diversified Europe Equity Excess Return – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSHRPDE | Europe | -0.87% | -6.76% | 1.03% | 4.25% | 6.40% | ||
Indice NXS Overlay Protected Risk Premia – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Risk Premia | NXSHPRIP | Europe | 0.52% | 5.40% | 0.98% | ||||
Indice NXS Optimum World | Smart Beta | NXSHOPWO | Monde | 3,065.79 | 0.74% | 5.37% | 10.63% | 22.07% | 34.89% | 6.00% |
Indice NXS Optimum Asia | Smart Beta | NXSHOPTA | Asie-Pacifique | 0.07% | 15.82% | 20.71% | 32.98% | 8.90% | ||
Indice NXS Optimum Income | Smart Beta | NXSHOPIN | Europe | 778.41 | -0.04% | 11.34% | 10.63% | 1.79% | 1.97% | |
Indice NXS Optimum Deutschland – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Smart Beta | NXSHOPGE | Europe | 1,455.12 | 0.35% | -7.21% | -11.39% | -22.01% | 1.39% | |
Indice NXS Selective Europe 30 | Smart Beta | NXSHNSE | Europe | 841.92 | 0.56% | 3.51% | -1.16% | -3.24% | -1.21% | |
Indice NXS Momentum Cross-Asset VT | Smart Beta | NXSHMOXV | Monde | 1,167.43 | -0.09% | 1.46% | -0.43% | -1.61% | 13.44% | 4.18% |
Indice NXS Momentum Cross-Asset | Smart Beta | NXSHMOXA | Monde | 1,156.43 | -0.09% | 1.43% | 0.89% | -0.98% | 21.20% | 4.30% |
Indice NXS Momentum Europe Equity Excess Return | Risk Premia | NXSHMOME | Europe | |||||||
Indice NXS Low Volatility Europe Equity Excess Return | Risk Premia | NXSHLOVE | Europe | 0.30% | -5.50% | -2.88% | 1.11% | 6.29% | ||
Indice NXS L-AIR – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Alternatif | NXSHLAIR | Monde | -56.72% | -56.72% | -54.66% | -50.77% | -0.49% | ||
Indice NXS Institutional Green Ethical | ISR / Climat | NXSHIGE | Europe | 0.83% | 0.78% | 20.93% | 33.20% | 8.65% | ||
Indice NXS High Dividend Europe Equity Excess Return | Risk Premia | NXSHHIDE | Europe | |||||||
Indice NXS European Dividend Futures Premia | Dividendes | NXSHFUDP | Europe | 0.34% | -46.50% | -50.55% | -47.68% | 0.03% | ||
Indice NXS Global Dividend Future Access 2021 EUR | Dividendes | NXSHFUDG | Monde | 0.30% | -24.65% | -24.64% | -22.65% | -0.02% | ||
Indice NXS European Short-Term Dividend Futures – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Dividendes | NXSHFUDA | Europe | 0.23% | -31.51% | -31.39% | -28.95% | 0.72% | ||
Indice NXS Flex Overlay US | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHFOU | Amérique | -0.49% | -20.48% | -29.37% | -7.98% | |||
Indice NXS Flex Overlay Europe | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHFOE | Europe | 1.56% | -17.51% | -24.82% | -8.63% | |||
Indice Excellence VI | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHEXL6 | Monde | 973.62 | 0.00% | -1.34% | -3.93% | -7.07% | -0.56% | |
Indice Excellence V | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHEXL5 | Monde | 959.50 | 0.00% | -1.39% | -4.04% | -6.81% | -0.71% | |
Indice Excellence IV – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHEXL4 | Monde | 1,004.42 | 0.00% | 0.00% | -3.32% | -2.59% | 0.06% | |
Indice Excellence III | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHEXL3 | Monde | 979.07 | 0.00% | -1.22% | -3.82% | -2.73% | -0.33% | |
Indice Excellence II | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHEXL2 | Monde | 1,200.09 | 0.00% | 0.12% | -3.80% | 5.52% | 2.30% | |
Indice Evolution – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHEVOL | Monde | 890.56 | 0.00% | -0.79% | -3.50% | -5.92% | -1.64% | |
Indice Evolution II – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Allocation Dynamique | NXSHEVO2 | Monde | 878.16 | -0.60% | -3.49% | -1.22% | |||
Indice NXS US Equity Call Overwriting | Volatilité / Couverture | NXSHECOU | Amérique | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | |
Indice NXS Climate Optimum Prospective VT | ISR / Climat | NXSHCOPV | Europe | 1,445.11 | -0.21% | 8.24% | 8.41% | 10.86% | 42.27% | 7.15% |
Indice NXS Federal Objectif Climat | ISR / Climat | NXSHCOP2 | Europe | -0.40% | 6.34% | 6.45% | 4.42% | 48.70% | 6.22% | |
Indice NXS Climate Optimum Prospective | ISR / Climat | NXSHCOP | Europe | -0.36% | 6.84% | 8.03% | 9.30% | 60.54% | 7.97% | |
Indice NXS Activist Equity – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Thématique | NXSHACTE | Amérique | 1.09% | -14.00% | 10.22% | 2.56% | 8.15% | ||
Indice NXS Ethical & Climate Europe – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | ISR / Climat | NXSCOPK | Europe | 0.79% | -5.45% | -4.71% | -1.77% | 3.47% | ||
Indice NXS TARS TR | Thématique | NXSBTARS | Monde | 1,125.20 | 0.05% | 4.44% | 19.76% | 12.38% | 4.07% | |
Indice NXS Be-AIR – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Alternatif | NXSBEAIR | Monde | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | -100.00% | |
Indice NXS Convertible Bonds Invest – Suspension définitive du calcul et de la publication de l’indice | Thématique | NXSBCI | Europe | 0.04% | 1.99% | 3.32% | 7.52% | 4.26% |
Nom | Catégorie | Ticker | Pays | Prix | Intraday | Perf. YTD : | 1 an | 3 ans | 5 ans | Depuis lancement |
iEdge Transatlantic Elite 20 Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Market Access | ELIT20DG | Transatlantique | |||||||
iEdge Transatlantic Selection 20 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR | TRANSLDG | Transatlantique | ||||||||
iEdge Top US Economy 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR | Dividendes | Etats-Unis | 767.27 | -0.01% | -15.24% | 7.80% | 40.43% | 240.87% | 13.40% | |
iEdge Aerospace & Defense Transatlantic 10 EW Decrement 50 Points Index | Thématique | DFENSTDG | Transatlantique | 915.43 | -0.68% | 22.41% | 36.50% | 96.71% | 221.43% | 10.44% |
iEDGE ESG TRANSATLANTIC US FOCUS 20 EW 50 POINTS GTR | Dividendes | Transatlantique | ||||||||
iEdge ESG Transatlantic Water EW 50 Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Dividendes | Monde | 900.61 | -0.61% | 2.23% | 0.31% | 0.49% | 50.27% | 1.90% | |
iEdge Carrefour SA Decrement 0.87 EUR GTR Series 2 | Dividendes | France | 12.57 | -0.47% | -4.97% | -17.42% | -31.55% | -14.43% | -5.61% | |
iEdge Healthcare Transatlantic 10 EW Decrement 5% NTR Index | Thématique | HCARETDN | Transatlantique | 2,401.99 | -0.45% | 8.46% | -1.74% | -12.06% | 41.67% | 7.58% |
iEdge N France Leaders Decrement 50 Points GTR | N/A | France | 932.20 | -0.51% | 17.85% | 14.18% | 36.11% | 127.49% | 3.47% | |
iEdge Transatlantic Luxury Goods & Services 10 EW Decrement 5% NTR | Thématique | LUXGSTDN | Transatlantique | 2,895.02 | -0.43% | -1.56% | -16.06% | -8.73% | 76.54% | 10.14% |
iEdge Euro Selection EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | EURSELDG | Europe | 983.18 | -0.35% | 8.70% | 9.08% | 23.13% | 80.20% | 4.11% | |
iEdge Transatlantic Leaders 20 Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | N/A | LEADTDG | Transatlantique | 885.40 | -0.17% | -0.51% | 13.80% | 49.13% | 221.29% | 12.18% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic EW 20 DECREMENT 5% NTR | ISR / Climat | ESGT20DN | Transatlantique | 4,398.79 | -0.68% | -1.48% | -3.52% | |||
iEdge Aerospace & Defense 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Thématique | DEFENSDG | Monde | |||||||
iEdge Artificial Intelligence & Robotics 10 EW Decrement 5% GTR Index | Thématique | AIRO10PC | Transatlantique | 17,482.60 | 0.31% | -14.38% | 2.61% | 61.31% | 289.48% | 26.93% |
iEdge Transatlantic Clean Tech Leaders Decrement 50 points GTR | ISR / Climat | CLEANTDG | Transatlantique | 1,002.58 | -0.68% | -2.19% | 8.18% | 28.65% | 156.70% | 7.78% |
iEdge Volkswagen AG Decrement 9.00 EUR GTR Series 5 Index | Dividendes | IDVOW35 | Eurozone | |||||||
iEdge Stellantis NV Decrement 1.55 EUR GTR Series 5 Index | Dividendes | IDSTLA5 | France | |||||||
iEdge BASF SE Decrement 3.3 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDBAS1 Index | Eurozone | |||||||
iEdge Stellantis NV Decrement 1.34 EUR GTR Series 4 Index | Dividendes | IDSTLA4 | France | 10.14 | -1.63% | -14.45% | -60.03% | -27.59% | -6.07% | |
iEdge Europe Selection Opportunite 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR | Thématique | IEUSO10 | Europe | 876.84 | -1.08% | 3.05% | -4.82% | 5.76% | 65.24% | 3.79% |
iEdge Artificial Intelligence & Robotics 10 EW Index Decrement 50 Pts GTR Index | Thématique | AIRO10DG | Transatlantique | 818.44 | 0.31% | -14.47% | 1.84% | 45.22% | 210.66% | 13.05% |
iEdge ESG Screened Transatlantic SDG Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | SDGSTDG | Transatlantique | |||||||
iEdge ESG Transatlantic EW 20 Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGT20DG | Transatlantique | 903.21 | -0.68% | -1.44% | -3.86% | 17.52% | 122.95% | 8.45% |
iEdge Credit Agricole SA Decrement 1.05 EUR GTR Series 4 Index | Dividendes | IDACA4 | France | 15.40 | -0.28% | 24.33% | 23.95% | 49.72% | 105.98% | -3.20% |
iEdge Global Car Makers 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Thématique | CARGDG | Monde | 813.34 | -0.33% | -5.98% | -12.02% | -0.63% | 155.94% | 5.90% |
iEdge Global Semiconductors 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Thématique | SEMC10DG | Monde | 793.05 | -1.07% | -11.15% | -19.63% | 8.48% | 212.94% | 12.81% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic Next Sustainable Leaders Decrement 50 points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGNEXDG | Transatlantique | 1,144.05 | -0.02% | -0.41% | 10.48% | 37.52% | 112.51% | 7.10% |
iEdge Volkswagen AG Decrement 7.17 EUR GTR Series 3 Index | Dividendes | IDVOW33 | Eurozone | 98.24 | -1.33% | 12.03% | -13.66% | -23.68% | 19.15% | -1.72% |
iEdge Klepierre SA Decrement 1.70 EUR GT Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDLI1 | France | 31.84 | -0.14% | 12.02% | 31.77% | 54.08% | 48.96% | 0.15% |
Indice iEdge Eurozone Value 10 EW Decrement 50 points GTR | Thématique | EURVALDG | Eurozone | |||||||
iEdge ESG World SDG Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | SDGWODG | Monde | 879.83 | -0.12% | 5.65% | 6.00% | 20.81% | 79.30% | 3.85% |
iEdge Credit Agricole SA Decrement 0.90 EUR GTR Series 3 Index | Dividendes | IDACA3 | France | 15.77 | -0.28% | 24.67% | 25.53% | 56.12% | 120.08% | -2.42% |
iEdge Multi-Secteur Premium Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Thématique | MSPGSTDG | Transatlantique | 744.89 | -0.72% | -4.75% | -16.43% | -5.59% | 65.00% | 6.05% |
iEdge Volkswagen AG Decrement 8.76 EUR GTR Series 2 Index | Dividendes | IDVOW32 | Eurozone | 93.68 | -1.34% | 11.51% | -15.35% | -27.35% | 11.03% | -2.68% |
iEdge France Selection 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Market Access | FRSELDG | France | 953.46 | -0.71% | 11.01% | -2.69% | 17.84% | 86.73% | 5.77% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic Water EW 50 Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGTW5DN | Transatlantique | 1,485.98 | -0.61% | 2.31% | 0.06% | 0.55% | 51.82% | 2.81% |
iEdge Global Semiconductors 10 EW Decrement 5% GTR Index | Thématique | SEMC10PC | Monde | 17,401.40 | -1.06% | -11.00% | -19.29% | 14.04% | 261.79% | 26.86% |
iEdge Eurozone ESG Leaders 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGLEADG | Eurozone | 1,033.25 | -0.68% | 9.11% | 6.67% | 33.21% | 144.42% | 6.07% |
iEdge ESG Screened World SDG Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | SDGSWODN | Monde | 2,803.31 | 0.07% | -0.34% | 8.83% | 37.19% | 114.64% | 8.42% |
iEdge Societe Generale Decrement 1.25 EUR GTR Series 3 Index | Dividendes | IDGLE3 | France | 40.92 | 0.11% | 54.61% | 70.02% | -34.93% | -34.93% | -2.39% |
iEdge Transatlantic Luxury Goods & Services 10 EW Decrement 5% GTR Index | Thématique | LUXGSTPC | Transatlantique | 1,017.29 | -0.43% | -1.09% | -15.56% | -7.13% | 81.42% | 10.74% |
iEdge Sanofi Decrement 3.2 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDSANFP1 | France | 105.09 | -0.35% | 12.12% | 21.39% | 17.27% | ||
iEdge Mercedes Benz Group AG Decrement 5.00 EUR GTR Series 2 Index | Dividendes | IDMBG2 | Eurozone | 55.43 | -0.25% | 6.30% | -21.26% | -9.32% | 155.36% | -1.43% |
iEdge Mercedes Benz AG Decrement 5.2 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDMBG1 | Eurozone | |||||||
iEdge Engie SA Decrement 1.20 EUR GTR Series 5 Index | Dividendes | IDENGI5 | France | 16.98 | 0.04% | 12.71% | 15.46% | 44.36% | 43.41% | -5.86% |
iEdge US Leader 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR | Thématique | USLEADG | Etats-Unis | 1,137.51 | 0.09% | -3.45% | 4.13% | 8.24% | 121.26% | 8.50% |
iEdge Health and Wellbeing Transatlantic SDG 5% DN Index | ISR / Climat | WELLBTDN | Transatlantique | 2,784.57 | -0.51% | 1.48% | 1.75% | 13.66% | 60.57% | 8.36% |
iEdge Engie SA Decrement 1.4 EUR GTR Series 3 Index | Dividendes | IDENGI3 | France | 17.51 | 0.03% | 12.46% | 14.30% | 40.15% | 36.83% | -6.34% |
iEdge Societe Generale Decrement 1.8 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDGLE1 | France | 38.29 | 0.10% | 53.90% | 65.65% | 61.73% | 129.53% | -3.81% |
iEdge Eurozone Banks Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Market Access | BANKEZDG | Eurozone | 1,215.66 | 0.33% | 32.20% | 41.61% | 108.51% | 199.28% | -2.18% |
iEdge Engie SA Decrement 1 EUR GTR Series 4 Index | Dividendes | IDENGI4 | France | 17.01 | 0.04% | 13.03% | 16.95% | 50.14% | 52.81% | -5.17% |
iEdge Credit Agricole SA Decrement 1.05 EUR GTR Series 2 Index | Dividendes | IDACA2 | France | 16.75 | -0.28% | 24.50% | 24.72% | 52.82% | 112.75% | -2.83% |
iEdge ESG Healthcare Transatlantic 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Thématique | HEALTHDG | Transatlantique | 945.77 | -0.03% | 2.75% | 2.60% | -2.68% | 52.33% | 6.95% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic SDG 50 EW Decrement 50 points GTR Series 2 index | ISR / Climat | SDGT50D2 | Transatlantique | 1,161.68 | -0.29% | 8.84% | 10.11% | 28.12% | 95.07% | 3.84% |
iEdge Societe Generale SA Decrement 1.65 EUR GTR Series 2 Index | Dividendes | IDGLE2 | France | 41.17 | 0.11% | 54.20% | 67.46% | 66.95% | 141.80% | -3.25% |
iEdge Eurozone Hydrogen Value Chain Leaders EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Thématique | EUWHYDG | Eurozone | 1,021.88 | -0.20% | 12.75% | 14.93% | 17.77% | 59.21% | 2.67% |
iEdge ESG World SDG Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | SDGWODN | Monde | 2,808.62 | -0.12% | 5.76% | 6.42% | 25.02% | 83.39% | 7.01% |
iEdge ESG Eurozone SDG 35 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | SDGEZDG | Eurozone | -2.25% | 10.75% | 32.32% | 0.92% | 1.75% | ||
iEdge France Value 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Thématique | FRAVALDG | France | 1,100.27 | -0.56% | 11.15% | -1.21% | 16.78% | 96.66% | 6.32% |
iEdge Stellantis NV Decrement 0.95 EUR GTR Series 2 Index | Dividendes | IDSTLA2 | France | 11.56 | -1.62% | -13.62% | -58.60% | -19.28% | -3.16% | |
iEdge Stellantis NV Decrement1.20 EUR GTR Series 3 Index | Dividendes | IDSTLA3 | France | 10.98 | -1.63% | -14.08% | -59.39% | -24.47% | -4.79% | |
iEdge Transatlantic Luxury Goods & Services 10 EW Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Thématique | LUXGSTDG | Transatlantique | 846.24 | -0.43% | -1.22% | -16.10% | -8.54% | 73.17% | 7.17% |
iEdge Euro Banks Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | Market Access | EUBANKDG | Europe | 2,273.03 | 0.34% | 32.84% | 45.16% | 128.95% | 254.25% | 0.02% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic SDG 50 EW Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | SDGT50DN | Transatlantique | 2,086.97 | -0.30% | 8.64% | 8.95% | 26.35% | 94.21% | 4.95% |
iEdge Credit Agricole SA Decrement 0.8 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDACA1 | France | 17.10 | -0.28% | 24.99% | 27.02% | 62.53% | 134.96% | 7.61% |
iEdge AXA SA Decrement 1.43 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDCS1 | France | 39.67 | -0.34% | 14.14% | 16.05% | 60.05% | 185.20% | 8.54% |
iEdge BNP Paribas SA Decrement 3.45 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDBNP1 | France | 81.05 | 0.84% | 33.13% | 28.81% | 54.24% | 166.32% | 5.67% |
iEdge Orange SA Decrement 0.7 EUR GTR Series 2 Index | Dividendes | IDORA2 | France | 11.50 | -0.10% | 21.06% | 12.40% | 10.25% | 4.59% | -1.33% |
iEdge Bouygues SA Decrement 1.7 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDENFP1 | France | 34.90 | -1.01% | 24.20% | -5.87% | 10.09% | 25.05% | 1.35% |
iEdge TotalEnergies SE Decrement 2.64 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDTTE1 | France | 60.50 | -0.81% | 9.94% | -7.42% | 32.01% | 142.43% | 2.94% |
iEdge Orange SA Decrement 0.8 EUR GTR Series 1 Index | Dividendes | IDORA1 | France | 11.26 | -0.11% | 20.77% | 11.14% | 6.88% | -0.37% | -1.99% |
iEdge Engie SA Decrement 0,71 EUR GTR Series 2 Index | Dividendes | IDENGI2 | France | 18.66 | 0.05% | 13.64% | 19.69% | 61.42% | 72.62% | -0.77% |
iEdge Eurozone 60 EW NTR Decrement Index | Market Access | EURO60 | Eurozone | 1,040.23 | -0.46% | 11.35% | 8.81% | 22.35% | 74.57% | 1.87% |
iEdge France 50 EW NTR Decrement Index | Market Access | FRANCE50 | France | 912.20 | -0.67% | 8.50% | 1.02% | 8.35% | 53.65% | 2.01% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic Water EW 50 Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGTW5DN | Transatlantique | 1,485.98 | -0.61% | 2.31% | 0.06% | 0.55% | 51.82% | 2.81% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic Water EW 50 Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGTW5DG | Transatlantique | 900.61 | -0.61% | 2.23% | 0.31% | 0.49% | 50.27% | 1.90% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic EW 50 Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGT50DN | Transatlantique | 1,737.19 | -0.53% | 2.96% | 4.53% | 8.70% | 51.93% | 3.69% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic EW 50 Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGT50DG | Transatlantique | 955.40 | -0.53% | 3.00% | 4.82% | 8.29% | 50.57% | 2.78% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic EW 30 Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGT30DN | Transatlantique | 1,903.27 | -0.23% | 3.08% | -1.80% | 11.30% | 61.11% | 4.31% |
iEdge ESG Transatlantic EW 30 Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | ESGT30DG | Transatlantique | 1,094.83 | -0.22% | 3.24% | -0.79% | 13.35% | 64.48% | 3.74% |
iEdge Europe Climate EW 40 Decrement 5% NTR Index | ISR / Climat | CLIMATDN | Eurozone | 1,837.43 | -0.60% | 9.26% | 8.60% | 12.61% | 65.97% | 4.61% |
iEdge Europe Climate EW 40 Decrement 50 Points GTR Index | ISR / Climat | CLIMATDG | Eurozone | 934.25 | -0.60% | 9.17% | 8.58% | 11.43% | 62.43% | 3.93% |
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